Text Box: MKV 
Shuffleboard Newsletter
Text Box: Text Box:  Due to the uncertainty of whether the 1 o’clock game would be played today the Judge, Ken “Red Socks” nearly didn’t make it.
The game started 15 minutes late.  The inattention of the crowd caused few Ooh’s and Aah’s.  The game was close with Sheri Vandersnick and Bill Carlson leading 90 to 68 until Lynn Carlson and Dean Rockey pulled an upset by winning 102 to 96.
This is the second time that Lynn and Dean have pulled from behind to devastate their opponents.
After the first match Judge Ken “Red Socks” was seen tripping up to  his room to shave and shower and get back for the second game of the day at 3 p.m. Then he could immediately leave after that match to  pick up Betty O’Connell at the airport — he was  not skipping out of town for making bad line calls as rumored.
Thank you Fran Seigel for keeping score and Carol Cusmano for making sure she was staying accurate and Judge, Arthur “Pony Tail”, it was rumored, could not make it down to be official  scorekeeper today for the first match because he was preparing an important function for his favorite institution  - the I.R.S. He was doing his taxes.  Haven’t heard  for which year.  Couldn’t be too bad, Arthur was

down for the second match.

The final match was won by Kay Ghean and Peter  Lazenby over Faith Reed and Les Howatt 108 to 78.  Faith kept telling Les to go for the score, don’t knock him off.  Are they part of the mafia take over team ? Lew mentioned last year.

The participants and the fans put up with strong trade winds.

The shuffleboard dinner will be held at :

Luigi’s  6.30 p.m. $23 per person.

Includes Tip and Tax

Lasagne, Salad, Garlic Bread, Iced Tea.  Cash Bar.

Participants first choice, Maximum 50 for dinner.

Sign up ASAP with $$ to Kay Ghean Aloha X 7306 or the Thorpe Dynasty X 7187.  Reservations and $$ must be in by 2/17 Saturday.

The  Phantom Reporter.

This space left empty for any 









Text Box: “TIS THE SEASON”  Sunday, February 10th, 2001
Text Box: MKV 
Shuffleboard Newsletter
Text Box: Regarding this  Under Ground News Letter 

Anyone who wants to write an article for this 
Newsletter please contact the Publisher, 
The Langendorf’s.

The Publisher accepts no responsibility or liability for the authenticity or accuracy of the articles.

WHERE :  Luigi’s